Happy Friday, Sunshine
My 13-year old gave me a make-up lesson for Christmas; it was awesome.
She took me through every single step of the no-make-up-make-up look, including a 1:1 trip to choose the right brushes and shade-match formulas, and a last minute Snapchat consult over which highlighter color was best for me.
She went full Sephora girl on me.
Both of us loved the results, and when I replicated it the next day, I told her what a great teacher she was, and how much I appreciated this gift.
Her response?
“Maybe you’ll get more clients now.”
…thanks. I think.
My friend, 2023 was a tough year for many of us, including moi, financially. The economy – and incessant speculation about the economy – affected many of our work-life balances adversely.
I used it as a year to start building more “passive” income streams (more on that to come), and took a step back from actively building relationships with leaders who could become clients.
This was a 180 from just a couple years ago, mid-pandemic, when in the midst of homeschooling 3 kids I was scaling my biz to the six-figure + mark:
Every time I had a sales call, I’d tell my girls that if the potential client said YES, I’d take them for ice cream.
My sales were so high…that my daughters got sick of ice cream.
But 2023 was a different beast, and required different styles of adaptation from each of us.
So this email is a little different: I’d love to know where YOU are at with your work and career, and how the economic whiplash of the last few years informs what you’re doing now:
Scaling or shrinking?
Staying the course or switching gears?
Taking a beat or charging full steam ahead?
I’d love to know. Hit reply and tell me where you’re at.
Thanks in advance Darlin’. You’re the best.
Oh, and dear one?
If it was my make-up holding you back from working with me, “my team” and I went ahead and removed that obstacle for you : )
Let’s connect and help (re)build together.
Warmly and with thanks,
xx Leisse
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